Sunday, March 28, 2010

Franti Reprise

Well, I am just now coming down off the high from the Michael Franti week.. it really was such an amazing time. I really was a fan of his music for years. And I peripherally knew things about him as a person - knew he was into yoga, knew his political beliefs (which mirrored my own), watched his documentary that he made when he traveled abroad. I admired him, certainly, but had never researched him in the sense that I would know his birthday or how many kids he had or whatever other details you pick up when you're really interested in the PERSON and not just the ARTIST.

So as all of this was happening, I started paying more attention. I read his wikipedia page on the plane trip. I watched youtube videos. And I found that his kindness, compassion and true interest in humanity is authentic and sustained. I found that my experience with him is not all that unique. I found that my story is like any other he's heard through the years. Which is what almost makes him even more impressive. He hears so many stories, meets so many people, yet doesn't seem to tire of making every effort to meet every pair of eyes, shake every pair of hands, hug everyone who needs a hug. I won a contest for tickets. That's it. But he just gave and gave and gave. And that is simply amazing. And it's inspired me to try and do the same in my life. We all have our trials, and I don't think I tend to be too depressive about mine, but this whole experience has led me to try and find the positive and focus my energy there instead of dwell on the negative.

A lot of this also has to do with my admiration of all talented people. I have brothers who can sing and write poetry/music, write stories. I am fascinated by people who can tell stories, make music, move people with their words and thoughts and melodies. I would give anything to have that talent, but it's just not there for me. I am smart, educated, can be quite funny if I know you well enough to let my guard down, but that particular brand of talent has always escaped my grasp. So I am always a fan of the people who have that - whether celebrities or just someone I meet on the street. To know I occupied the thoughts, however briefly, of someone I admire and believe to be vastly talented - the very same brain cells that creates these words and music I find inspirational - well, that's just a huge compliment.

So again, I have to thank Michael Franti - and all the other people I saw along the way in the story who were just as kind - for an amazing week!

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